Fall Branch Falls

Here are pictures of Fall Branch Falls, just off of Hwy. 93. This is near the Washington/Sullivan County line. I have also included a picture of Fall Brach just above the falls. It is quite a steep hike up to there, and possibly not worth it. It is also someone's back yard, right off of Hwy. 93.
DIRECTIONS: Drive to Exit 50 on Interstate 81. Turn right if you are coming from Johnson City and turn left if you are coming from Morristown. Drive 2.9 miles through the town of Fall Branch on Hwy. 93. Turn left on Baileyton Rd. (also known as Horton Hwy.). The falls are 0.8 miles later, on your left in a cow field. When I went there was wood pile in the field with a rusty truck on top. I don't think that is moving anytime soon. On the right is a house, close to a barn and these are the people who own the land with the falls. Ask them for permission and then follow the path and creek to the falls.
At 9:25 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I didn't even know about these falls.
At 3:04 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Have ridden my bicycle by there many times. You can easily see the falls from the road when there no leaves. Unfortunately this is the best it will get. Obviously too many people trashed the area and there use to be a warning sign to abusers, now replaces by a LARGE sign the answer is NO don't even ask, I assume about walking to the falls.
At 8:18 PM ,
Anonymous said...
We went to try to view this waterfall and saw the big sign that says "NO DON'T EVEN ASK THIS MEANS YOU". So being us we decided to try and ask anyway. The guy was outside and my husband got out of car and guy walked into house and closed door. The door that was closed in my husbands face before he even got a chance to ask said and I quote "camers everwhere". If you drive up the road above the falls you can see the upper part pictured without hiking and the people are nicer about letting you!
At 8:18 PM ,
Anonymous said...
We went to try to view this waterfall and saw the big sign that says "NO DON'T EVEN ASK THIS MEANS YOU". So being us we decided to try and ask anyway. The guy was outside and my husband got out of car and guy walked into house and closed door. The door that was closed in my husbands face before he even got a chance to ask said and I quote "camers everwhere". If you drive up the road above the falls you can see the upper part pictured without hiking and the people are nicer about letting you!
At 9:17 AM ,
Anonymous said...
If you knew how many people had not only trashed the falls and the pasture with glass, beer cans , etc. AND left the pasture gates open and allowed all his cows out in the highway (NO respect whatsoever) you might understand his point of view.
At 11:23 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Yes this is a nice place but no one can vist up close because of actions of other vistors in past dont be upset with owner of land you wouldnt want people comeing on to your land leaveing trash and letting amainals out
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